Kummaattikkali is a gripping crime action drama that marks the debut of Madhav Suresh, son of veteran actor Suresh Gopi. The film revolves around Dennis (played by Madhav Suresh), a member of the Kummati Boys gang, known for his violent yet playful nature. Set against the backdrop of a coastal village, the story delves into the lives of four friends-Dennis, Ameer, Luka, and Bhairavan-who share a strong bond and are caught up in a major crime. The narrative unfolds with a blend of humor, friendship, romance, and colorful songs, making it a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Lenaa plays a pivotal role, narrating the story and caring for the Kummati Boys as her own children. As the plot thickens, the friends must navigate through the challenges and dangers that come their way, emphasizing the theme of "Survival of the fittest". Directed by RK Vincent Selva, Kummaattikkali promises intense action sequences, powerful performances, and a compelling storyline that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
Madhav Suresh
Midhun Prakash
Rashik Ajmal
Mime Gopi
Devika Satheesh
Azeez Nedumangad
Movie Guide
GenreCrime, Action, Comedy, Drama
Kummatikali Official Trailer | Supergoodfilms | Madhav Suresh | Vincent Selva | Rashik | Mithun