The story is based on the human trafficking. It revolves around three main characters known as Raghav, Meera & Ishaan.Raghav who works in supermarket & Meera who is an journalist, Ishaan who is doctor. Raghav and Meera falls in love, and get married as well. Meera gets pregnant, and they decide to celebrate the occasion, they face an accident and Raghav wakes up in intensive care in a hospital in the middle of nowhere. The couple faces a catastrophe inside the hospital and tries to escape from the same
Bhavik Bhojak
Aanchal Shah
Maulik Chauhan
Chetan Daiya
Minakshi Jobanputra
Movie Guide
GenreDrama, Thriller
Maunam Official Trailer | Bhavik Bhojak | Aanchal Shah | Maulik Chauhan | Chetan D | Ravi Sachdev