"Danny Jigar-Ek Matra" is a hilarious Gujarati film, where the stylish supercop Inspector Danny Jigar takes on the challenge of recovering a stolen 600-year-old statue. With his unmatched style and quick-witted humor, Danny Jigar showcases his intelligence while solving the case in the most stylish and ek matra way possible. Will he be able to solve it? Or not?
Yash Soni
Tarjanee Bhadla
Chetan Daiya
Jitendra Thakkar
Prem Gadhavi
Om Bhatt
Vaishakh Ratanben
Movie Guide
Danny Jigar - Trailer 2 | Gujarati Film | Yash Soni, Tarjanee Bhadla | In Cinemas 5th Jan 24
Danny Jigar - Official Trailer | Gujarati Film | Yash Soni, Tarjanee Bhadla | In Cinemas 5th Jan 24